Honestly, there really isn't anything good in this picture. The proportions are bad, the coloring is bad, the shading is bad, the background is bad... The last time I posted a review like this, the artist told me why I was wrong about how awful his thing really was, stating that the criticism was 'maddeningly unhelpful.'
I don't know how to make this helpful, I just really want you to know that this isn't good. I see a lot of good, bad, and a lot more of ugly on this portal, and this just goes in the 'bad' category. It's not horrid, it's not putrid, I don't want to gouge my eyes out after looking at it, it's not like that fukamondo guy who posts the hideous fetish art, this is just bad. This CAN be improved, and your other work I've looked at, you can do better. I think that instead of drawing bad stuff like this, you should do more stylized surreal stuff like this:
You have talent, you have skill, you have potential, but it is woefully wasted here.
[this was a really weird review. sorry if I sounded like a dick, feel free to be a dick back]