Emotionally grabbing.
I love it. Best flash RPG, by a LANDSLIDE.
On my first two tries I got the Deadeye (Or Dedai, SPOILERS!) ending, and the "I have no wish" ending.
-Great art!
-Love the slow-paced style, with captions you click to dismiss.
-The "Skip" button in Cutscenes is very useful.
-Very good storyline!
-Very good characters, and outfits for them.
-Very easy-to-grasp concept.
-Good and hard-to-beat bosses.
-I wish the we had half-grounds gold days. (We could vote on entries every 12 hours, instead of 24! :D)
-AMAZING music. Very serene.
-It's very emotionally grabbing. Especially when you have to say goodbye to Ginny, and the Oracle. (SPOILERS!)
-Rocket snails.
-It has weapons that are good for destroying stuff. And who doesn't want that?!
-Beautiful females. (Especially Dedai.)
-The way the people have the little brown spot on their noses makes them seem like kittens.
-"We're on some Pre-FTL planet called Earth in the milky way galaxy."
"Lame name."
...I can't think of much more to comment on, but it's great!
Umm, well... there's uhh... hmmm... Oh, just a few:
-Nefertarti, Starwish, and Gen only have ONE pic thing, while Oracle has only TWO, Swig and Johnny only have THREE.
Otherwise it's awesome.
Thanks for this awesome game, your time reading this and your (MAYBE) response.